Tag Archives: Randy Orton vs. CM Punk Wallpaper

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk WrestleMania 27 Wallpaper!

WrestleMania 27 Wallpaper / Randy Orton vs. CM Punk Wallpaper

PSP Wallpaper | 800×600 | PS3 Wallpaper | 1280×800 | 1680×1050 | 1920×1200 HD

What happens when a top predator hunts another predator?…well the battles’ going to be fierce and merciless. Both have shown their cunning and their strength as a top heel and brutality is just a part of the whole package. The outcome would not be easy to predict as both are capable of going the extra mile when it comes to proving who really gets the title of being the baddest or meanest competitor!


BWA Wrestling Wallpapers presents The Randy Orton vs. CM Punk Wrestlemania 27 Wallpaper!