Jeff Hardy 2011 Wallpaper!

Jeff Hardy 2011 Wallpaper / TNA Wrestling Wallpaper

PSP Wallpaper | 800×600 | PS3 Wallpaper | 1280×800 | 1920×1200 HD

This Wallpaper was supposed to have been posted the first time Hardy won the TNA Immortal championship title but I wasn’t able to finished it, made a few edits until Mr. Anderson captured the title from him and so this post must then be postponed. (well that’s what I thought then, figured I might have the chance to post  it later on, after all Jeff is still the number one contender at that time)…The recently held TNA Pay-Per-View event saw Jeff Hardy locked  in a tough and brutal match against the Champ, Mr. Anderson and, in a twist of fate got his title back!..

With that said, just have to get this post done for all creatures of the night who still craves for another Jeff Hardy Wallpaper!

BWA Wrestling Wallpapers presents TNA World Heavyweight/Immortal Champion Jeff Hardy!